Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

You are is what you are thinking

At night, like this time, i just have time to open my laptop and do many kind of my unfinished job. Now, everything are changed. I am become mom and also wife. So, i dont have enough time for reading, writing, or studying at morning, afternoon or even in the evening like last time when i was single. My time is all for my baby and my husband. I Said that : My life become all fun..:-) i have to be multitasking mother, and learn more about managing the time well. Although, i am not a perfect women, i just try to do my best.

For the time in short, i will face the other task for big benefits but also challenge. InsyaAllah, i will start to continue my study. Time for relaxing from office, but tight for time studying. I was born as ordinary little girl without any dreams to reach. During the time, I learn and I was pressed by many thing which making me like now. And one thing that i learn is "All the time, we are learning and there is no relax time for learning adn growing mature"

I dont know exactly about financial revolution
I dont know exactly about how to make baby food
I dont know exactly about managing time for family, career, study and my spiriltual time
I dont know exactly about many things related my life
I know.. that I want to learn and practice about that all,, during i still have time life in this world to make happy all people that i love so..

Nurlita Tsania, SKM
For the reason, why i have to be someone beneficial
(Please forgive for all my faults, Ied Fitri Moment now)

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