This book, actually never through on my mind before. I have met the writer when he came to my office helding one event about writing and reading (related with his book). Alhamdulillah, i had an oppportunity to follow his event. Because that reason, i could know this book and want to buy it.
"Mengikat Makna" , the great title, i thought. I could find the function of reading and writing from it. For several people, reading is one of boring habit. But, for somebody else, reading is the most, the great of hobby, habit,and need. So, they never think that reading is useless. I really appreciate it. I really adore anyone who could read many kind of books along her/his life. Because, i know how difficult it is. But,as a parent we have to fight to teach our child to love reading as them needed.
"Menurut Marry Leohardt dalam buku " Cara menjadikan Anak anda Keranjingan Membaca", ia mengatakan bahwa membaca sebagai kebahagiaan utama dalam hidup juga sebagai sebuah dunia yang sangat mengasyikan. Sambil bersantai di kursi yang empuk, di teras yang hangat, sambil membaca cerita menyeramkan, berbaring di tepi pantai seraya tertawa membaca buku percintaan yang romantis adalah sekedar contoh kebahagiaan itu. Tanpa kesenangan-kesenangan ini, hidup akan terasa lebih gelap dan lebih membosankan".
Look.. how great reading is???
Could u feel like that??
Yes, i am.
But, i still learn to be more "keranjingan" like her.
In the other side, reading without writing is nothing. When you read some books but u rarely to re-write, i could guess that u will easier to forget it. I feel it. But, when, after you read something either it is important or not and then you always rewrite it, Hernowo said that you will "mengikat makna" more deep and more long time. how great it is? I want it.
Just to share with you all that reading and writing include as messages from Allah to us.
Al-Alaq "Iqra" --> Bacalah
When Rosulullah pleased another to write " Wahyu " from Allah and then same with hadist. So.. could u imagine when there is no one could writing??
I think that we couldn't know many things.
And, now..
Our turn, to continue fight in reading and writing for Islam, Indonesia and for our life..
Just tell me what is the reason to make me hate reading and writing?
although, again, I am still not one of "keranjingan" reading yet. Hope... (in progress)
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